SLIM KITCHEN | in contemporary design and a work surface at ideal working height.
SLIM KITCHENin contemporary design and a work surface at ideal working height.
UNIQUE LIGHTING CONCEPT | Ceiling cabinets with indirect lighting.
UNIQUE LIGHTING CONCEPTCeiling cabinets with indirect lighting.
TOP QUALITY WALL PANELLING | in the seating area and sleeping area (Trenta 640 only) for a unique interior ambience.
TOP QUALITY WALL PANELLINGin the seating area and sleeping area (Trenta 640 only) for a unique interior ambience.
CUSTOM-DESIGNED | Tiberino interior design with matching Pacco special cushions.
CUSTOM-DESIGNEDTiberino interior design with matching Pacco special cushions.
GREATER SENSE OF SPACE | Open cab canopy and additional backlit storage compartments.
GREATER SENSE OF SPACEOpen cab canopy and additional backlit storage compartments.
TWO-TONE OVERHEAD LOCKERS | underscore the contemporary design.
TWO-TONE OVERHEAD LOCKERSunderscore the contemporary design.
EXTERIOR DESIGN | Colour-coordinated lamination and portholes round off the elegant exterior design (optional; standard in Trenta 640).
EXTERIOR DESIGNColour-coordinated lamination and portholes round off the elegant exterior design (optional; standard in Trenta 640).

Trenta Highlights